Thursday, February 3, 2011

New York's Tenth Judicial District Grievance Committee, Protecting Criminals EXPOSING Whistleblowers.

What is the Duty of the Chief Attorney Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District ?

What were the Duties and Responsibilities of the Chief Attorney Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District, Suffolk County - Nassau County - in the State of New York Rita Adler ? ( That Coming Soon )

And did Rita Adler, Ex- Chief Attorney Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District, Suffolk County - Nassau County follow these Laws, Rules, Standards of Ethics ? I think Not.

Did Did Rita Adler obey the Laws of the State of New York? Should Rita Adler be Held accountable for the lives she has affecting adversely?

Should Rita Adler Be Dis-Barred ? Where is Rita Adler now and whose life is her total lack of Ethics affecting Now? All that and more Coming Soon to ....

Is Robert A. Green Chief Attorney Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District, Suffolk County - Nassau County - in the State of New York , Continuing the Legacy Of Corruption and Life Ruining Behavior that Rita Adler Left Behind?

Or is Robert A. Green cleaning up "Dirty" "Business as Usual" at the Tenth Judicial District Grievance Committee ?

The Facts are there, the Truth Speaks for Itself.

It all comes down to a matte of if Robert A. Green Tenth Judicial District Grievance Committee for Suffolk County and Nassau County, New York ... if Robert A. Green will read the facts, and uphold the laws of the United States of American and protect the Taxpaying Voters of New York or ... if Robert A. Green will protect the Corporate Greed, Money Machine and Wall of Corruption in New York that Rita Adler Boldly protected for so many years... and seemingly accountable to No One.. Oh of course but to Me and NOW that you Know the Facts.. Rita Adler - Robert A. Green - Leslie B. Anderson are accountable to ALL OF YOU.

Rita Adler, Ex- Chief Attorney Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District, Suffolk County - Nassau County, Retired or Not is Still Liable for the Lives she has ruined, for her unEthical and Illegal behavior while Rita Adler, was Chief Attorney Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District, Suffolk County - Nassau County ... and I intend to Expose ever single one .. over her 4.5 year tenure..

Coming Soon Defamation Lawsuit(S) and Criminal Complaint(S) against Rita Adler personally and against Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District for Suffolk County - Nassau County - in the State of New York.

"Retirement" Does not mean "Immunity".

Someone in the position of Chief Attorney Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District, Suffolk County - Nassau County, such as Rita Adler was, that has the power to take away licenses to do business, has the power to protect hundreds of millions of dollars in corporate crime and the power to change peoples lives entirely... well this SHOULD never have any kind of "Immunity".

Rita Adler should be held accountable for what she has done and so should the Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District for Suffolk County - Nassau County - in the State of New York.

Coming Soon What Judge, Laws, Ethics, Oversight is Responsible for the Behavior, Ethics, and Activities of the Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District for Suffolk County - Nassau County - in the State of New York ? And are they paying any attention at all ? Or do they even know what is going on at the Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District for Suffolk County - Nassau County - in the State of New York. Well if they don't know they soon will.

Also Coming soon what Exactly are the Duties, Responsibilities and Standard of Ethics that apply to Leslie B. Anderson - Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District for Suffolk County - Nassau County - in the State of New York ? What Liability does Leslie B. Anderson have in the Peter Sivere Case, the George Demos Issue or the Life and Economic Condition of New York Attorney Ruth Pollack?

Has the Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District for Suffolk County - Nassau County - in the State of New York Ruined Your Life, Not Protected your Rights, Discriminated against you, Committed Fraud, aided and abetted corruption that you know of? Send your tip to me Crystal L. Cox ~ Investigative Blogger,

Also Check Out the Peter Sivere Story at - $335 Million Dollars in JP Morgan Cover Ups, protecting Corrupt SEC investigator George Demos - what did Rita Adler and have to gain in protecting a Lie and not Defending the Whistleblower telling the Truth Peter Sivere Should have been Protected by National Whistle Blower Laws and the SEC Whistle Blower program and Peter Sivere was not. Why did Rita Adler Protect George Demos ? Why did Leslie B. Anderson protect George Demos ?

What Did "Chris Fox's" father in law really turn up on George Demos ? As he apparently hired New York Criminal Defense Attorney David Schwartz to investigate "look into" George Demos? What did they find, what was a blind eye turned on ?
Also Check out the Odd story of a New York Attorney with her licensed suspended and no real explanation it seems, no real reason... I Believe it was to cover up millions hidden by the Valley Stream No. 24 and Edward Fale .. and I intend to Prove it Coming Soon to - Every Dollar, every dirty .. I want to KNOW.. eMail me at

Edward Fale is part of some cover up that has changed the life of one Honest New York Attorney, and ya know thats gotta be rare.. (Smile) anyway Edward Fale seems to be a part of the Problem and not the solution and has made the life of Kevin Chesney and Attorney Ruth Pollack Collateral Damage in whatever it is Edward Fale is hiding and for Whom.... so It is time I get to the bottom of what Edward Fale is REALLY up To. ( oh and just how is Rita Adler and Leslie B. Anderson connected to Edward Fale .. Really ? )

Also Coming Soon Just What is James Pelzer 's part in All this?

Email me Your Story

Crystal L. Cox
the "LIE will NOT become the TRUTH on My Watch"

P.S - How's My "A Game" so Far ?

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