Sunday, February 10, 2013

Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox, Defamed by David Carr of the New York Times, Files Lawsuit in Nevada Court Against David Carr and the New York Times.

Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox ALLEGES that David Carr of the New York Times Defamed Her, me, with actual Malice, as  David Carr of the New York Times knew, and had access to information that Crystal Cox was NOT guilty of, nor on Trial for Extortion, yet  David Carr of the New York Times published 1 email out of 5 eMails, and deliberately painted Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox in False Light to discredit ALL Bloggers as having Equal Rights as Journalists.

David Carr of the New York Times published false statements regarding Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox WITH knowledge that the statements were FALSE, and continues to keep that information live, knowing full well that Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox was not under investigation for Extortion, NOT on Trial for Extortion and in now way was associated with extortion.

David Carr of the New York Times has caused irreparable damage to Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox, with actual malice.  David Carr of the New York Times's articles have been used by alleged Co-Conspirators in other cases as "Legal Commentary" and documented proof of Crystal Cox's Extortion, which is Defamation. There was no extortion, no court documents or official records of investigation of Extortion regarding Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox.

Yet David Carr of the New York Times in effort to ruin, defame and paint Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox in false light, deliberately, knowingly printed false statements as fact. WIPO Publications and District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL, plus potential customers, clients and business partners of Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox have used the  David Carr of the New York Times article to further ruin, harass, intimidate, defame, threaten and steal intellectual property from Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox.

The New York Times and David Carr SHOULD not be protected to DEFAME with actual knowledge of the facts.  They SHOULD not be above the Law, nor should they "report" in a manner that violates my lawful, constitutional rights.

David Carr of the New York Times has ruined my life based on an Email sent by Oregon Attorney David S. Aman of Tonkon Torp Law Firm, with actual malice, after he WON a $2.5 Million Judgement Against me. David S. Aman did this knowingly as an act of revenge and retaliation for Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox exposing him and the Tonkon Torp Law Firm in their action regarding the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy based out of Bend Oregon.

 David S. Aman of Tonkon Torp Law Firm knew that eMail was one of 5, as it was beween me, Pro Se Defendant Crystal Cox, in my Pro Se Capacity and him, David Aman Opposing Counsel. It was a string of emails after a threat of a lawsuit and after a lawsuit had been filed. Yet David Carr of the New York Times paints Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox in false light and makes it appear that I was extorting the Plaintiff when the facts of the matter seemed completely irrelevant to David Carr of the New York Times.

David Carr of the New York Times SHOULD not be able to hide behind special "journalist privilege" and ruin lives.

Counter Plaintiff Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox ALLEGES David Carr of the New York Times is liable for the damage he has caused, and with malice against Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox.

David Carr of the New York Times needs to NOTIFY his liability carrier as he certainly did seem to deliberately attack a blogger in revenge to all bloggers NOT having equal rights in the law as traditional journalist such as David Carr.

David Carr of the New York Times SHOULD Not Be Above the law.

David Carr of the New York Times has created a massive backlash and done irreparable harm to Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox AND should not have SPECIAL PRIVILEGE to RUIN LIVES.

Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox, Defamed by David Carr of the New York Times, Files Lawsuit in Nevada Court Against David Carr and the New York Times

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